- St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- [email protected]
Time to Vote for your favourite project!
We would like to invite you to vote for ISOC St Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter Chapterthon project!
Our Project Title: The Design of an Internet Community Network for Farmers
“The Chapterthon is a global Internet Society Chapters marathon, where all Internet Society Chapters can participate by developing a project within a timeline and budget to achieve a common goal for the development of the Internet. Each project will present a 3-minute video that includes project specifics and benefits for the community. Winning projects receive a prize.
This year’s focus was on – A project that asses the requirement for internet connectivity in the rural farming community of verivine located within the Vermont valley.
Projects are now completed and you are invited to select the project you like most!
The voting phase is on from 8 to 22 November 2018.
To vote:
Copyright @ Internet Society St. Vincent and the Grenadines Chapter (ISOC SVG). All Rights Reserved.